Quick Start to Setting up Your Nox Project

Nox is a do-less framework for Apache server PHP projects that leaves many implementations up to you. The only goal of Nox is to be an MVC foundation with no 3rd party dependencies outside of native PHP extensions.

Nox is only tested and officially supported by PHP projects on Apache servers (such as common web hosts through a cPanel interface or standalone installs). Nginx and standalone CLI has not been tested and is assumed to not work out of the box.


Nox should be installed using composer (For Windows, make sure to download the Windows installer and don't do it via command-line). We do not officially support manual installations of Nox (source files can be found on GitHub).

composer require nox7/nox

Once installed, from your project root directory create a work folder for your web project to live in. Nox standard practice is to just call this folder app. Then change directory into that folder.

mkdir app
cd app

Finally, setup the base skeleton project using the command below. You must have php available in your command line or PATH variable (for Windows machines).

php ../vendor/nox7/nox/src/Scripts/make-sample-project.php

Your working directory will look equivalent to the one shown below.

Nox directory example

Note: Typically, you will never want to commit your nox-env.php file and will want to add that file to your repository's .gitignore file.

Your Apache Document Root

When setting up your virtual host in Apache, you should set your serving directory (the DocumentRoot directory in Apache configuration files) to your app directory. Make every attempt to not serve your project from the project root (the parent of the app folder).

Serving Your Nox Project from the Project Root

In the cases where you don't have much control over changing your apache DocumentRoot (such as a shared host in cPanel), or where it may be too much of a hassle; you can easily migrate the Apache config (.htaccess) file in the Nox framework to the root with a small change.

The original Apache config (.htaccess) file is shown below.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/nox-request.php
RewriteRule .* /nox-request.php [L,QSA]

To change this file to work from your project root instead of your /app directory, then move the .htaccess file to the project root directory (parent folder of your /app directory) and change the source to reflect this (shown below).

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/app/nox-request.php
RewriteRule .* /app/nox-request.php [L,QSA]

Your project will now serve your app without having to change your VirtualHost's DocumentRoot directive to the app folder.