Configuring the Nox Framework
As of version 2, configuring Nox should be done in the framework's nox-request.php
file. All configuration is done in PHP. Previously, it was done in JSON but this came to be inefficient and not as extendable.
Only one additional file is used in default projects, and that is the nox-env.php
file which serves as a pseudo user-land environment file to put sensitive data in. It should not be committed to code repositories and, instead, the partnering nox-env.example.php
file should define all the necessary key constants but leave the values void of sensitive data. This file is included by default in the nox-request.php
file, but is not used in any internal framework files. Should you not like this environment variable implementation, you can opt to just not require the file.
Static File Serving
You can configure Nox to read multiple directories for static files by mapping static directory stubs.
Supporting MIMEs
Nox allows you to decide which file extensions you want to support and which MIME types they would be associated with.
Managing Cache Headers
After allowing a mime type to be associated with a file extension, you can then set a preferred cache age for that MIME type.
Defining a Views Directory
The Nox rendering engine needs a singular directory set to look for your HTML web views.
Defining a Layouts Directory
Each view defines the layout that the view gets injected into - the outer HTML that wraps the view.
Set Your Nox Source Directory
Defining a source directory helps Nox know where to look for your models, controllers, and general source code.
Default nox-request.php File
The default nox-request.php file that comes pre-installed with example projects is shown below. You can also find it on GitHub.
use Nox\Nox;
use Nox\ORM\Abyss;
use Nox\ORM\DatabaseCredentials;
use Nox\Router\BaseController;
use Nox\Router\ExceptionsNoMatchingRoute;
require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/nox-env.php";
$nox = new Nox();
BaseController::$noxInstance = $nox;
// Set a static file serving directory
uriStub: "/",
directoryPath: __DIR__ . "/resources/static",
// Support static file mime types so the browser can recognize the static files
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("css", "text/css");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("map", "text/plain");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("png", "image/png");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("jpg", "image/jpeg");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("jpeg", "image/jpeg");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("js", "text/javascript");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("mjs", "text/javascript");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("gif", "image/gif");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("weba", "audio/webm");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("webm", "video/webm");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("webp", "image/webp");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("pdf", "application/pdf");
$nox->mapExtensionToMimeType("svg", "image/svg+xml");
// Mime caches
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("image/png", 86400 * 60);
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("image/jpeg", 86400 * 60);
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("text/css", 86400 * 60);
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("text/plain", 86400 * 60);
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("text/javascript", 86400 * 60);
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("text/gif", 86400 * 60);
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("text/svg", 86400 * 60);
$nox->addCacheTimeForMime("image/webp", 86400 * 60);
// Process static files before anything else, to keep static file serving fast
// If the code gets here, then it's not a static file. Load the rest of the setting directories
$nox->setViewsDirectory(__DIR__ . "/resources/views");
$nox->setLayoutsDirectory(__DIR__ . "/resources/layouts");
$nox->setSourceCodeDirectory(__DIR__ . "/src");
// Setup the Abyss ORM (MySQL ORM)
// Comment the Abyss credentials out if you do not need MySQL
// Multiple credentials can be added if you have multiple databases/schemas
Abyss::addCredentials(new DatabaseCredentials(
host: NoxEnv::MYSQL_HOST,
username: NoxEnv::MYSQL_USERNAME,
password: NoxEnv::MYSQL_PASSWORD,
database: NoxEnv::MYSQL_DB_NAME,
port: NoxEnv::MYSQL_PORT,
// Process the request as a routable request
try {
} catch (NoMatchingRoute $e) {
// 404
// Process a new routable request, but change the path to our known 404 controller method route
$nox->router->requestPath = "/404";