Synchronizing Your PHP Models to Your MySQL Database

Now that you've built out some models for your application (if you haven't check out how to do so on the Models article) - you'll need to make sure the models have MySQL tables that represent them.

Default Nox installations, made using the installation script on the installation page, come with a folder titled cli-scripts. Inside this folder is a script you can run named sync-models.php.

This script relies on you having filled out valid MySQL credentials in the nox-env.php file. You must have already made an existing MySQL database. Nox only will create and organize your tables (from the Models you made), but will not actually create a MySQL database for you.

Running the Synchronization Script

Once the credentials are filled out, make sure that php is a valid command you can run from your command line (For Windows, your PATH variable must include a path to a folder that contains a PHP executable).

Navigate to the cli-scripts folder and execute the sync-models.php script. A few moments will pass, and you should now see all the tables and columns properly created in your MySQL database to match all of your models.

$ php cli-script.php

The Code for Synchronizing Models

Abyss itself has a method called syncModels that takes an array of ReflectionClass objects that are expected to already be checked for the #[Model] attribute. Abyss will iterate over these reflections and generate MySQL syntax and run that creation or update syntax.

The sync-models.php source is below. It is not required this code be ran from the CLI - you could definitely make a button in some web interface to call syncModels if you so desired.

	require_once __DIR__ . "/../../vendor/autoload.php";
	require_once __DIR__ . "/../nox-env.php";

	use Nox\ClassLoader\ClassLoader;
	use Nox\Nox;
	use Nox\ORM\Abyss;
	use Nox\ORM\DatabaseCredentials;

	// Load the source directory
	$nox = new Nox();
	$nox->setSourceCodeDirectory(__DIR__ . "/../src");

	// Get the model reflections
	$modelReflections = ClassLoader::$modelClassReflections;

	// Load the credentials for any and all databases used by the models
	Abyss::addCredentials(new DatabaseCredentials(
		host: NoxEnv::MYSQL_HOST,
		username: NoxEnv::MYSQL_USERNAME,
		password: NoxEnv::MYSQL_PASSWORD,
		database: NoxEnv::MYSQL_DB_NAME,
		port: NoxEnv::MYSQL_PORT,

	$abyss = new Abyss();

	// Sync the models to the current local MySQL database
	print("Synchronizing Models to MySQL database.\n");
	print("Synchronization finished.\n");